- Wu, J. X., Wu, H. C., Hsieh, C. M., & Ramkissoon, H. (2022). Face consciousness, personal norms, and environmentally responsible behavior of Chinese tourists: Evidence from a lake tourism site. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, (Accepted). (SSCI) 2020 Impact Factor: 5.959
- Le, T. D., Wu, H. C., Huang, W. S., Liou, G. B., & Hsieh, C. M. (2022). The effects of landscape fascination on subjective well-being and revisit intention: Evidence from agritourism destinations. International Journal of Tourism Research, (Accepted). (SSCI) 2020 Impact Factor: 3.791
- Le, T. H., Wu, H. C., Huang, W. S., Liou, G. B., Huang, C. C., & Hsieh, C. M. (2021). Evaluating determinants of tourists’ intentions to agrotourism in Vietnam using Value-Belief-Norm theory. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 38(9), 881-899. (SSCI) 2020 Impact Factor: 7.564
- Yeh*, S. C., Wu, A. W., Yu, H. C., Wu, H. C., Kuo, Y. P., & Chen, P. X. (2021). Public perception of AI and its connections to the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability, 13(16), 9165. (SSCI, SCIE) 2020 Impact Factor: 3.251
- 吳忠宏,(2021年5月),如何促進永續觀光?消費者報導,481,20-24。
- 趙敏燕、董鎖成、吳忠宏、李寧、馬紅、邵丹、高寧、夏冰,(2020年3月),森林體驗教育活動對城市公眾環境負責任行為的影響。資源科學,42(3),583-592。(CSSCI)
- Yeh*, S. C., Chiou, H. J., Wu, A. W., Lee, H. C., & Wu, H. C. (2019). Diverged preferences towards SDGs? A comparison between the academia and the communication industries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(22), 4577. (SSCI) 2019 Impact Factor: 2.849
- 吳忠宏、林麗娟、謝奇明,(2019年12月),金門山后聚落遊客的懷舊情感對負責任環境行為之影響:兼論地方依賴與地方認同的中介效果。環境教育研究,15(2),81-120。
- 吳忠宏*、王志宏、林濰榕,(2019年11月),臺灣地區觀光相關科系發展歷史、現況與挑戰:兼論師資陣容及研究能量。旅遊學刊,34(11),13-16。(CSSCI) (*擔任通訊作者)
- Cheng, T. M., Wu*, H. C., Wang, J. T. M. & Wu, M. R. (2019). Community participation as a mediating factor on residents’ attitudes towards sustainable tourism development and their personal environmentally responsible behavior. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(14), 1764-1782. (SSCI) (*Corresponding author) 2019 Impact Factor: 4.147
- Zhao, M. Y., Dong, S. C., Wu, H. C., Li, Y., Su, T. W., Xia, B., Zheng, J. & Guo, X. (2018). Key impact factors of visitors’ environmentally responsible behavior: personality traits or interpretive services? A case study of Beijing’s Yuyuantan Urban Park, China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(8), 792-805. (SSCI) 2019 Impact Factor: 2.017
- Pan, S. L., Wu, H. C., Morrison, A. M., Huang, M. T. & Huang, W. S. (2018 March). The relationships among leisure involvement, organizational commitment and well-being: Viewpoints from sport fans in Asia. Sustainability, 10(3), 1-18. (SSCI, SCIE) 2019 Impact Factor: 2.576
- Cheng, T. M., & Wu*, H. C. (2015). How do environmental knowledge, environmental sensitivity, and place attachment affect environmentally responsible behavior? An integrated approach for sustainable island tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23(4),557-576. (SSCI) (*Corresponding author)
- Huang, M. C. J., Wu, H. C., Chuang, S. C., & Lin, W. H. (2014). Who gets to decide your complaint intentions? The influence of other companions on reaction to service failures. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 37, 180-189. (SSCI)
- Cheng, T. M., Wu*, H. C., & Huang, L. M. (2013). The influence of place attachment on the relationship between destination attractiveness and environmentally responsible behavior for island tourism in Penghu, Taiwan. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 21(8),1166-1187. (SSCI) (*Corresponding author)
- 周儒、潘淑蘭、吳忠宏,(2013),大學生面對全球暖化議題採取行動之影響因子研究。環境教育研究,10(1),1-34。
- 吳忠宏、柳婉郁、方怡蓁,(2012),遊客對自然體驗活動解說服務願付價格之實證分析。農業與經濟,49,99-129。(TSSCI)
- Pan, S. L., Wu*, H. C., Chou, J. & Simpson, S. (2012). Influence of activity involvement and place attachment on volunteer interpreters’ satisfaction in Taiwan. Journal of Interpretation Research, 17(2), 7-22. (*Corresponding author)
- 吳忠宏,(2011),杉林溪自然教育中心:第一個民間企業所設立的環境學習中心,杉林溪季刊,4,25-28。
- Wu, H. C., Liu, A., & Wang, C. H. (2010). Taiwanese university students’ perceived freedom and participation in leisure, Annals of Leisure Research, 13(4), 679-700.
- Li, C., Chick, G. E., Wu, H. C., & Yen, T. (2010). Examining the dimensionality of values for culturally diverse customers in parks and recreation, World Leisure Journal, 52(2), 80-93.
- Chen, B. T., Lu, C. Y., & Wu, H. C. (2010). An exploratory study on RV travel in Taiwan: College students’ perceptions, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 19(6), 658-675. (SSCI)
- 黃文雄,黃芳銘,游森期,田育芬,吳忠宏*,(2009),新環境典範量表之驗證與應用,環境教育研究,6(2),49-76。(*擔任通訊作者)
- 羅芬,鐘永德,吳忠宏*,張西林,(2008),世界自然遺產地遊客旅遊解說需求之研究-以湖南武陵源風景名勝區為例,旅遊學刊,23(8), 69-73。(CSSCI) (*擔任通訊作者)
- 潘淑蘭,吳忠宏*,周儒,(2008),解說志工活動涉入、地方依附與工作滿意度之關係研究:以國立自然科學博物館為例,戶外遊憩研究,21(3),23-47。(TSSCI) (*擔任通訊作者)
- 吳忠宏,黃文雄,李介祿,李雅鳳,(2007),旅遊動機、滿意度與忠誠度之模式建構與驗證:以宜蘭賞鯨活動為例,觀光研究學報,13(4),347-367。(TSSCI)
- 吳忠宏,林士彥,葉素蘭,(2007),非營利組織策略行銷之研究:以國立自然科學博物館為例,博物館學季刊,21(4),117-130。
- Morgan, M., Lin, H. S., Chou, J., & Wu, H. C. (2006). An interpretation specialization continuum of environmental volunteerism in Taiwan, Journal of Interpretation Research, 11(2), 7-20.
- 林士彥,吳忠宏*,陳智峰,(2006),解說員特質與服務品質之關係研究:遊客的觀點,環境教育研究,4(1),1-30。(*擔任通訊作者)
- 吳忠宏,黃宗成,洪常明,(2005),澎湖居民對生態旅遊知覺與發展生態旅遊態度關係之研究,戶外遊憩研究,18(3),1-30。(TSSCI)
- Wu, H. C., & Chen, W. L. J. (2005). A 20 Years overview and prospect of graduate interpretive research in Taiwan: 1984-2003. Journal of Interpretation Research, 10(1), 59-66.
- 吳忠宏,黃宗成,邱廷亮,(2004),玉山國家公園遊客旅遊動機、期望、體驗、滿意度與重遊意願之研究,國家公園學報,14(2),23-41。
- 吳忠宏,范莉雯,(2003),以九年一貫課程為架構之休閒教育模式與內容,戶外遊憩研究,16(1),1-23。(TSSCI)
- 吳忠宏,黃宗成,蔡淑惠,(2003),國立自然科學博物館解說成效之研究:以生命科學廳為例,環境教育學刊,2,67-92。
- 吳忠宏,(2001),解說在自然保育上的應用,自然保育季刊,36,6-13。
- 吳忠宏,(2001),解說員證照之研議,臺灣林業,27(5),52-60。
- 吳忠宏、黃宗成,(2001),玉山國家公園管理處服務品質之研究:以遊客滿意度為例,國家公園學報,11(2),116-134。
- 黃宗成、吳忠宏、郭建池,(2001),阿里山地區原住民對其觀光發展衝擊認知與態度之研究,公共事務評論,2(2),91-122。
- 黃宗成、吳忠宏、高崇倫,(2000),休閒農場遊客遊憩體驗之研究,戶外遊憩研究,13(4),1-25。(TSSCI)
- 吳忠宏,(1999),解說專業之建立,臺灣林業,25(6),41-47。